- Intern
- Full Time
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Job description
As a member of the R&D Simulation Team, during this internship you will primarily learn and contribute tothe advanced bone morphology analysis tools for the development of new orthopeadicmedical devices .
Our offer for you
You will work on our cross-site Stryker OrthopaedicModeling and Analytics (SOMA) database for bone data and 3D models to optimizeour products.
You perform statistical analysis based on the 3D bone models, interpret the results and communicate them to your colleagues.
You work closely with international colleagues from different departments.
With your work, you make a significant contribution to successful product development and support marketing and scientific collaborations.
Within the scope of your project, you will document the process steps carried out and the findings obtained by regularly preparing reports.
What makes you stand out
Youareenrolledin an engineeringdegreeprogramme(e.g. biomedical engineering, medical informatics), preferablyat Master'slevel.
You have a basic knowledge of anatomy and ideally some experience in medical imaging and segmentation of DICOM data.
You have experience in working with mesh (polygon) 3D models.
You enjoy learning new software applications.
Analytical and creative problem solving are among your strengths.
You are proficient in MS Office applications and have a very goodcommand of English and ideally a good command of German or French.
You work independently, are highly motivated and committed, and are willing to take on responsibility quickly.