- Intern
- Full Time
Looking for a place that values your unique talents? Discover Stryker's award-winning culture.
We are proud to offer you our total rewards package which includes bonuses, healthcare, insurance benefits, retirementprograms, wellness programs, as well as service and performance awards – not to mention various social and recreationalactivities, all of which are location specific.
Job description
Stryker offersa widerangeofentryand developmentopportunitiesin an innovative and high-techenvironment. The talentsand strengthsofouremployeesareourtop priority. Duringyourinternship, youwill gaina comprehensiveinsightintotheworkofan international marketleaderin medicaltechnology, particularlyin thefieldofnavigatedspinal and cranial surgery.
We are offering an internship in Interactive Guidance for Navigated Spinal Surgery
You will have the opportunity to develop prototypes for our Surgical RoboticSystem and support our team with your proof-of-concept application.
Youwill bean activememberofourinternational and interdisciplinaryresearchand developmentteam.
You will implement your solution using C++ or Python and Matlaband evaluate it in an ecosystem consisting of state-of-the-artnavigation and imaging systems.
Thatmakesyoustand out
You are studying for a master’s degree in informatics, computer science, medical engineering, mathematics, physicsor a comparable subject.
You have experience with object-oriented programming languages (e.g.C++), script languages (e.g.Python, Matlab) or libraries (OpenCV, VTK, Qt, DCMTK).
You want to tackle challenging problems in medical engineering.
Youareknownamongfriendsand fellowstudentsforyourinitiative and flexibility.
Youhavea goodcommandofEnglish.
Youworkindependently, arehighlymotivatedand committed, and arepreparedtotakeon responsibilityquickly.