
Internship in Surgical Robotic Systems - September/October 2025, 6 months

Work flexibility: OnsiteReq ID: R528324 Employee type:
  • Intern
  • Full Time
Job category: Engineering Travel:Relocation: No

Looking for a place that values your unique talents? Discover Stryker's award-winning culture.

We are proud to offer you our total rewards package which includes bonuses, healthcare, insurance benefits, retirementprograms, wellness programs, as well as service and performance awards – not to mention various social and recreationalactivities, all of which are location specific.

Job description

Stryker offersa widerangeofentryand developmentopportunitiesin an innovative and high-techenvironment. The talentsand strengthsofouremployeesareourtop priority. Duringyourinternship, youwill gaina comprehensiveinsightintotheworkofan international marketleaderin medicaltechnology, particularlyin thefieldofnavigatedspinal and cranial surgery.


  • We are offering an internship in Interactive Guidance for Navigated Spinal Surgery

  • You will have the opportunity to develop prototypes for our Surgical RoboticSystem and support our team with your proof-of-concept application.

  • Youwill bean activememberofourinternational and interdisciplinaryresearchand developmentteam.

  • You will implement your solution using C++ or Python and Matlaband evaluate it in an ecosystem consisting of state-of-the-artnavigation and imaging systems.

Thatmakesyoustand out

  • You are studying for a master’s degree in informatics, computer science, medical engineering, mathematics, physicsor a comparable subject.

  • You have experience with object-oriented programming languages (e.g.C++), script languages (e.g.Python, Matlab) or libraries (OpenCV, VTK, Qt, DCMTK).

  • You want to tackle challenging problems in medical engineering.

  • Youareknownamongfriendsand fellowstudentsforyourinitiative and flexibility.

  • Youhavea goodcommandofEnglish.

  • Youworkindependently, arehighlymotivatedand committed, and arepreparedtotakeon responsibilityquickly.